Why I created a low cost video course for Relief of IBS Symptoms

Caroline Peyton
3 min readSep 15, 2020

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can be debilitating, embarrassing and mentally draining. And poor gut function can have a profound impact on your mental wellbeing, skin health and many other health conditions.


According to the NHS (UK), IBS is usually a lifelong problem with no cure that can have a big impact on sufferers’ lives.


That’s depressing news. In fact anti-depressants are often recommended as a standard treatment as they may help provide some symptom relief. But there are very few medications that doctor’s have at their disposal to really make a difference.

Common symptoms are abdominal cramps (not normally stomach as often described- your stomach is right up under your rib cage), abdominal bloating, alternating constipation and diarrhea, bowel urgency. Bowel urgency is one of the most embarrassing and humiliating situations to find yourself in as a sufferer.

20% of the population live with a variety of these symptoms. And many more experience “IBS type” digestive symptoms like these plus burping, wind, acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion.

It’s a big unresolved problem.

But what if there is relief available?

With little conventional medical help, I decided to utilize all my training together with my ten year’s clinical experience to provide natural solutions to the problem that do work.

As a Naturopath I have always understood that health starts in the gut. My training both as a nutritional therapist and as a naturopath gave me the foundations which I have applied in practice ever since, refining my protocols over the years based on empirical evidence. I have seen first hand the improvements to my client’s symptoms and the relief they feel when they get their life back.

What has my gut got to do with my mental health?

There is a direct link — the nervous system- connecting the gut and the brain. This enteric nervous system of over 100 million nerve cells is known as our second brain and communicates back and forth between the gut and brain.

When you feel nervous and have “butterflies in your stomach”; or intense stress and experience diarrhea you can understand this link. Research is now able to show the impact that gut health has on our mental and emotional wellbeing too.

Plus there are endless studies and research on the role of the gut microbiota- the trillions of microbes like bacteria and fungi that reside in the gut- and links to disease states in the body.

Why is a Naturopathic Approach different?

Rather than focus on symptoms, naturopathy looks to the root cause. It takes time with each client to take a full case history and use naturopathic diagnostic assessment skills for this purpose. That’s why a naturopathic appointment takes 90 minutes (as opposed to 8 minutes with your GP doctor).

I wrote about the importance of face to face consultations and what I include during a consultation in a recent blog:


I take time to listen to each client’s unique set of symptoms and explain the complexity of the digestive tract and how it works. It’s fundamental to help provide IBS relief. It is when I provide clear explanations that clients start to get it and wonder why they’d never had this information before.

Who will benefit from the course?

The video-based course will help the 1000s of people who live with gut problems day in and day out including:

1. Those diagnosed with IBS who have been unable to find relief through conventional treatment

2. Those diagnosed with IBS who have tried various eliminatory diets yet who still experience symptoms yet are eating a more and more restricted diet.

3. Those whose life is made a misery as going out is dominated by constantly looking for the nearest toilet.

4. Those who have undergone various diagnostic procedures which come back clear so do not have a way forward.

5. Those who are fed up of so much bloating that they look and buy clothes in a size bigger than they actually are.

The 5 Step Self Help video course provides easy to follow, small bit size chunks of information. And through September it’s an amazing £20 only- discounted by 25% as a “back to school” special offer!




Caroline Peyton

Caroline is an experienced naturopath, nutritionist and a gut health expert plus a passion for improving employee wellbeing. www.peytonprinciples.com